Tuesday, November 13, 2007


The black and white image is meant to mimic the lighting style of George Hurrell. I used a parabolic to outline her face, at a high angle to achieve a short butterfly affect. MainF11 FillF4


Lanham said...

I'm digging the Hurrell. Great job sculpting the face and nice pose. See if there is anyway you can bring out the lips a little more.

mattbell said...

great portraits.

your sis would be perfect for the long-term portrait.

your family's so beautiful.

Stephanie said...

Awesome! I absolutely love the first one. I think the lighting is great on both images, but she's so small that the lighting almost makes her look too skinny in the second (black and white) image. But I love everything about the first one...the pose, the lighting, everything. Plus, you managed to keep her arm looking small even though it was resting on that metal!

Dustin said...

Great control over the lighting. Its easy to make a great photograph when you have a beautiful model.

jenn laughlin said...

Lauren.. These images are beautiful. You captured the perfect mood for both of them. Good Hurrell.